All about Chupa Chups from his amazing foster 🐶

He's being an absolute delight, l've introduced him to my dogs 110% loves them, I introduced him last night to the cats, he's not even bothered at all, the only time was my youngest cat she went to him to check him out and he thought it was play time and she puffed up as she can't work out what he is. He's also met my chicken that free range in the garden and wasn't even bothered. So personally I would say he would be absoultly fine with any animal in a home or garden environment. Walks amazingly on the lead.

When he goes to his forever home, it will take time for him to adjust to walking on paths with traffic, he's fine but gets very spooked when it's a louder vehicle, so I will work on this whilst he is with me, but feel this is something a new owner will need to put into practise from the off, it defiantly won't be an over night fix, and for this reason I would also recommend any new owner not to let off lead as I think he would dash to any noise that spooks him. He's seen children on walks and he's really not keen, little people seem to frighten him, not aggression at all, but high pitches from kids on a path and he barks. So 100% adult home.

I can tell he is a very loyal dog as if he can't see me, he's looking for me, so would make a great companion dog, But he's been out of the dogs l've had the best so far, I would even know I've got him, he's so well behaved.



Running for Elvis


Peggy is walking for Great Bull doggies 🐶